
Songs of Advent (2017)

Speaker: Rev. Jon Herr
Price: FREE

Advent sermon series, 2017

Jon Herr Jon Herr (MATS, Reformed Theological Seminary; BS Bible, Philadelphia Biblical University) is Pastor of Christ Covenant Church of Chicago (CREC). Previously he served as a deacon and ministerial student at All Saints Church (CREC, Lancaster PA). He and his wife Jackie live in the Chicago suburbs with their two daughters and three sons.
5 items found

Items Included

Songs of Advent (1): Servant Hope (Isaiah 42:1-4, 10-17) Jon Herr
Songs of Advent (2): Zechariah's Faith (Luke 1:67-80) Jon Herr
Songs of Advent (3): Mary's Joy (Luke 1:46-56) Jon Herr
Songs of Advent (4): Earth's Peace (Luke 2:8-18) Jon Herr
Songs of Advent (Postlude): Simeon's Salvation (Luke 2:25-35) Jon Herr