
ETS 2019 - Theistic Evolution Panel Discussion (7 mp3s)

Organization: ETS National
Price: $10.00

From the complete recordings of ETS 2019, the 71st Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, San Diego, CA, "Christ in all Scripture," (November 20-22, 2019).

Panel discussion on Theistic Evolution

Third Floor – Promenade AB

Moderators: Michael J. Murray (Franklin and Marshall College)

John Churchill (Independent Scholar)

Respondents: Tom McCall  (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School)

William Lane Craig  (Talbot & Houston Baptist)

Jeff Schloss (Westmont College)

Steve Meyer (Discovery Institute)

Paul Nelson (Biola University & Discovery Institute)


Stephen C. Meyer Stephen C. Meyer received his Ph.D. in the philosophy of science from the University of Cambridge. A former geophysicist and college professor, he now directs Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture in Seattle. He has authored the New York Times best seller Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent... read more
7 items found

Items Included

Panel Discussion on Theistic Evolution 01 Introduction Michael Murray Michael Murray
Panel Discussion on Theistic Evolution 02 Tom McCall Tom McCall
Panel Discussion on Theistic Evolution 03 William Lane Craig William Lane Craig
Panel Discussion on Theistic Evolution 04 Stephen Meyer Steve Meyer
Panel Discussion on Theistic Evolution 05 Paul Nelson Paul Nelson
Panel Discussion on Theistic Evolution 06 Jeff Schloss Jeff Schloss
Panel Discussion on Theistic Evolution 07 Summa...ion - John Churchill John Churchill