
ETS 2018 - Evangelicals and Gender (4 mp3s)

Organization: ETS National
Price: $16.00

Controversial talks at ETS!

Mary L.Conway Gender in Genesis 1–3 in Conversation with 1 Timothy 2
David E. Malick Narrative Structure, Characterization, and Women in Mark 15.40-41
Timothy Paul Erdel Exploring the Garden of Feminine Motifs in Song of Songs
Andy Draycott Walking across Gender in the Spirit The Vocation of the Church and the Transgender Christian

Talks from the 2018 Evangelical Theological Society Meeting (Denver, CO), with the theme, Holy Spirit. The complete session of the Evangelicals and Gender - Open: Gender in Biblical Perspective section of the conference.

Andy Draycott A speaker for the 2022 National meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society
4 items found

Items Included

Exploring the Garden of Feminine Motifs in Song of Songs Timothy P. Erdel
Gender in Genesis 1–3 in Conversation with 1 Timothy 2 Mary L. Conway
Narrative Structure, Characterization, and Women in Mark 15:40-41 David E. Malick
Walking across Gender in the Spirit? The Vocati...ransgender Christian Andy Draycott