
ETS 2016 - Plenary Sessions (5 mp3s)

Organization: ETS National
Price: $16.00

2016 ETS Annual Meeting - The Trinity

Plenary Speakers

Fred Sanders, Torrey Honors Institute, Biola University
Evangelical Trinitarianism and the Unity of the Theological Disciplines

Fred Sanders has taught theology and great books at Biola University's Torrey Honors Institute since 1999. He is the author of The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything (Crossway, 2010) and maintains an active social media presence through

Gerald R. McDermott , Beeson Divinity School
How the Trinity Should Govern Our Approach to World Religions

Gerald McDermott is Anglican Chair of Divinity at Beeson Divinity School. He has published eighteen books on Jonathan Edwards, theology of world religions, Israel, and other issues. His most recent books are The Other Jonathan Edwards (University of Massachusetts Press), The New Christian Zionism (IVP Academic), Famous Stutterers (Cascade), and Israel Matters (Brazos).

Scott R. Swain, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, Florida
The Bible and the Trinity in Recent Thought: Review, Analysis, and Constructive Proposal

Scott R. Swain (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is Professor of Systematic Theology and Academic Dean at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. His recent publications include Trinity, Revelation, and Reading: A Theological Introduction to the Bible and its Interpretation (T & T Clark, 2011), The God of the Gospel: Robert Jenson’s Trinitarian Theology (IVP Academic, 2013), and Christian Dogmatics: Reformed Theology for the Church Catholic (Baker Academic, 2016), which he co-edited with Michael Allen, with whom he also serves as general editor of two series: New Studies in Dogmatics, published by Zondervan Academic, and the International Theological Commentary, published by Bloomsbury T & T Clark. Scott also blogs on a regular basis at Reformation21 and Common Places.

EPS Plenary Address
Alister E. McGrath

(University of Oxford) The Rationality of Faith: How Does Christianity Make Sense of Things?

Presidential Address - Daniel B. Wallace

-Medieval Manuscripts and Modern Evangelicals - Lessons from the Past, Guidance for the Future

These sessions are from the 68th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society with the theme - The Trinity, November 15−17, 2016, in San Antonio, TX.


Daniel Wallace Dan is Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary (has taught there for more than 32 years) and Executive Director of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts. He earned a B.A. at Biola University (1975) with a major in biblical studies and minor in Greek; graduated magna cum laude from Dallas Seminary with a ThM degree (1979), with the equivalent... read more
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Items Included

-Evangelical Trinitarianism and the Unity of the Theological Disciplines Fred Sanders
-How the Trinity Should Govern Our Approach to World Religions Gerald McDermott
-Medieval Manuscripts and Modern Evangelicals for the Future Daniel Wallace
-The Bible and the Trinity in Recent Thought -...onstructive Proposal Scott Swain
-The Rationality of Faith - How Does Christianity Make Sense of Things Alister E. McGrath