
Biblical Horizons 2015 Conference (Lancaster PA) - Doers of the Word: Discovering Biblical Theology

More audio from All Saints Church
Organization: Biblical Horizons
Price: $19.99

This conference was sponsored by All Saints Church, Lancaster, PA, addressing themes in the Biblical Horizons' outlook on Biblical Theology (how the Bible itself speaks in unfolding revelation). It included these talks/events:

Friday - 7:00-8:30 pm - Doers of the Word (01): Rivals to Biblical Theology
7:00 am Men’s Study - Doers of the Word (02): Leading Our Families in the Word
10:00 am -12:15 pm  (two sessions with a break)  
Doers of the Word (03): Scripture’s Foundational Patterns (03)
Doers of the Word (04): Scripture’s Foundational Types and Shadows (04)

Doers of the Word (05): Interaction at the Life-Size Tabernacle (in Lancaster, PA) - JBJ informally discusses the the Tabernacle of Moses in the context of the Life-Size Tabernacle in Lancaster, PA, a reproduction effort of a Mennonite organization. (A video of this interaction is in process).

9:15 am Teaching Time - Doers of the Word (05): Fun with Numbers (in the Bible)
Sermon -  Doers of the Word (06): The Greatest Verse in All of the Bible

James B. Jordan James B. Jordan is the Director of Biblical Horizons ministries, a theological think tank that publishes books, monographs, essays and taped lectures focused on Bible commentary, Biblical theology and liturgical theology. He holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia in comparative literature. During four years in the United States Air force,... read more
8 items found

Items Included

01 Rivals to Biblical Theology James B. Jordan
02 Dealing with Suffering (morning Mens Study) James B. Jordan
04 Scriptures Foundational Patterns 2 Types and Shadows James B. Jordan
05 Jordan at the Life-Size Tabernacle James B. Jordan
06 Fun with Numbers James B. Jordan
07 The Greatest Verse in All the Bible James B. Jordan
Doers of the Word (notes PDF) James B. Jordan
Scripture's Foundational Patterns (pt 3 of Doers of the Word) James B. Jordan