Psalm 46 A Mighty Fortress: The Triumph of God
Sunday Sermon
Sermon, Uri Brito, "A Mighty Fortress: The Triumph of God", Psalm 46
In this sermon Pastor Brito focuses on the 16th century Reformation. Reformations will always be needed in the future of the Church.
Further, Pastor Brito exegetes Psalm 46; Luther's Psalm when composing: A Mighty Fortress is our God.
Application: A call to be Reformational, catholic, and doxological.
Rev. Dr. Uriesou Brito is Senior Pastor of Providence Church in Pensacola, Fl. He received a D.Min. from Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Fl. His dissertation focused on rituals for pastoral longevity. Pastor Brito is the editor of The Church-Friendly Family and the author of The Trinitarian Father. He co-authored a commentary on Ruth and Jonah for the "Through New Eyes" Series published... read more