
As He Was Taken Up So Shall He Return - Acts 1:1-11

Speaker: Jeff Harlow
Date: 5/4/2008
More audio from Jeff Harlow Sermons
Topic: Bible Acts
Price: FREE
Preached at Christ the Redeemer Church in Pella, IA. This message is my attempt to call back those tempted and seduced by the lure of the error that goes by the name of "Full Preterism" or "Hyper-preterism". There is an unbreakable continuity in our Lord's ministry. As he took on a body at his incarnation, he keeps that body through his birth, suffering, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and return in glory. To deny the physicality of Christ at any point is to deny the Christian faith.
Jeff Harlow Jeff Harlow has served as the Pastor of Trinity Reformation Church in Salem, OR and several other congregtions.