
04 Creation in Six Days Style Poetry

Price: $2.00
A message from a series on Creation views, defending Six-Day Creation and exposing fallacies of other views, such as the Framework Hypothesis, from the Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church (Monroe, LA) Spring Conference. Dr. Joseph A. Pipa, Jr. is president of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Joseph A. Pipa Jr. Dr. Pipa is the President of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (B.A., Belhaven College, 1968; M.Div., Reformed Theological Seminary, 1971; Ph.D., Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, 1985). He is the author of: Root & Branch; William Perkins and the Development of Puritan Preaching; The Lord’s Day. And a Contributor to: Whatever Happened to the Reformation?; Onward Christian... read more

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