Liturgy and the Body of Christ
From "Liturgical Bedlam" - 1997 05 - Credenda/Agenda Ministerial Conference 1997. Speakers, D. Wilson, C. Schlect, R. Atwood, D. Jones, examine worship from various theological, historical, and practical angles, these lectures interact with questions concerning the regulative principle, preaching, formality, spontaneity, and family Sabbath celebration.
Chris is the Director of New Saint Andrews College's graduate program in Classical and Christian Studies and is a Fellow of History. Holds the following degrees: Ph.D. in History, Washington State University, 2015 M.A. in History, University of Idaho, 2005 B.A. in History, Washington State University, 1990 He has taught at New Saint Andrews College for many years. He has earned eleven competitive... read more
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