UPDATED USB! Over 2000 files! with Theopolis Courses included! (Theopolis courses/series include Architecture, Revelation, Liturgy, Exodus, Mission, How to Read the Bible, Leviticus, Samuel, Kings, Song of Soloman, Exodus-Joshua, Theology of the Sexes, Nature of God, For the Life of the World, Revealing Revelation, Solomon Among the Postmoderns, Priesthood of Believers, The Sacraments, and more).
Any teacher of Scripture will be amazed at the fresh insight and new ideas gained from the insights of James B. Jordan, Peter J. Leithart, and associate's lectures (Alistair Roberts, Jeffrey Meyers, Wesley Baker, Esther Meeks, et al). But now in this set there are over 2000 lectures, many with notes (including many documents/course notes/outlines) by Jordan and many of his associates which will give you a greater depth in all of Holy Scripture. You will see connections in new places and see patterns that are unmistakably part of the neglected meaning of the Word of God. Of the thousands of people across the world who have now studied with Dr. Jordan many, many pastors and teachers and students of the Word have been transformed in their reading of Scripture through James B. Jordan's insights from the Lord. This set passes this rich knowledge to you with a touch of the "play" button your computer or device.s
On a USB thumb drive, it includes every recording on WordMp3.com from James B. Jordan /Biblical Horizons and Peter J. Leithart/Theopolis, the video of Jordan at the Life-Sized Tabernacle, and more! This set is the entire catalog of audio recordings and digital documents to date. It also includes every recorded session of the annual Biblical Horizons Conferences.
This treasury of studies with unique insights such as those in the expositions of Genesis (38 mp3s), Life of Abraham, Exodus (124 mp3s), Life of Jacob (92 mp3s), Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, First and Second Samuel, Books of Kings (36 Mp3s), Psalms of Ascent (15 mp3s), Nahum, Habakkuk, Zechariah, Ezekiel,Haggai, Zephaniah, Esther, Malachi (6 mp3s), Intertestamental Period/Apocrypha, John, Romans, Acts, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Revelation in Detail (204 mp3s), The Garden of God - Unlocking the Bible's Images, 1 Corinthians (8 mp3s), Biblical Doctrine of Paedocommunion, Education Through New Eyes, A Christian View of War (8 mp3s), Preterism and Hyperpreterism (4 mp3s), Biblical Ethics and The Ten Words (8 sessions), Christian Transformation - Personal History of Jordan and Christian Reconstruction (3 mp3s), A Christian Worldview (20 mp3s), and The 1994 Tape Special (12 mp3s) and new series on Exodus (2009), Esther (2009-10), The Battle of Gog and Magog (2010), Jonah (2010), How to Read the Bible & Reading the Bible (2010), and topical sermons/lectures on Tongues, Psalms and an interview on Revelation. Newly updated with: Biblical Horizons 2013 Conference - Jeremiah (Jordan) and Isaiah (Leithart) and more. USB folders are organized in this way:
00 Documents Books Articles by Jordan
01 Jordan OT (which are Old Testament Studies (In Bible-Book Order)
02 Jordan NT (New Testament Studies in Bible-Book Order)
03 BH Conferences