Christmastide Inheritance (1) - Galatians 3:22-4:7
Sunday Sermon
Galatians 3:22 But Scripture the locks up all under sin, in order that the promise of the faithfulness of Messiah Jesus, might be given to those believing. But before the faithfulness [of Messiah the King], we were in custody, locked up under Torah until the coming of faith was revealed. 24 Thus the Torah had become our guardian until Messiah, in order that we may be justified by faith. 25 But now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. 26 For we are all sons of God through the faithfulness of King Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been baptized into the King, have clothed yourselves with the King. 28 There is no Jew nor Greek, there is no slave nor free, there is no male and female: for you are all one in Messiah Jesus. 29 And if you are of the King, then you are Abraham’s seed, heirs according to the promised. 4:1 But I say, as long as the heir is underage, he is no better than a slave, though he is master of all. 2 But he remains under guards and rulers until the set time of the father. 3 In this, we [Jews] also, while we were children, were enslaved to the old world forces of custom and cult. 4 But in the fullness of time, God sent away His son, born of woman, born under Torah, 5 in order that He might redeem us from under Torah, that we might receive adoption as sons. 6 But because you are sons, God sent away the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, calling, “Abba, Father.” 7 So you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son then an heir through God. (G. Strawbridge trans.)
The Adamic Problem (3:23-25)
The Abrahamic Promise (3:26-4:3)
The Apostolic Proclamation (4:4-7)
Gregg Strawbridge, Ph.D., is the pastor of All Saints Church in Lancaster, PA. He became a committed follower of Jesus Christ at age 20, discipled in the context of a University Navigator Ministry. As a result of personal discipleship he went on to study at Columbia Biblical Seminary (M.A., Columbia, SC, 1990), as well as receive a Ph.D. in education and philosophy... read more