Theology of the Sexes 09 - The Gospels
of a
part series.
A session from the Theopolis Institute course - Alastair Roberts (PhD, Durham) laid out a rich biblical theology of sexuality, before addressing a variety of philosophical, political, and ethical issues. Roberts stressed that our questions about sex and gender, as much as our answers, are distorted by the assumptions of modern technological society. It’s a mistake to reduce the theology of the sexes to a flat, atemporal discussion of “roles and rules.” Christians need a deep, typological grasp of Scripture in order to grapple faithfully with our cultural pathologies. Positively, Roberts emphasized that manhood and womanhood are framed by the world and our calling in it. Men and women are co-creators, each called in a distinctive way to contribute to the fulfillment of God’s creation mandate to fill, subdue, and rule the creation. These lectures were punctuated with three lectures by Dr. Peter J. Leithart on the Song of Solomon.
Alastair Roberts (Ph.D. University of Durham) is a fellow of Scripture and theology at the Greystone Theological Institute. He participates in the Mere Fidelity podcast and is a coauthor of Echoes of Exodus: Tracing Themes of Redemption through Scripture (Crossway, 2018) and a forthcoming book on a theology of the sexes (2019).