Daniel 9:24-27 is about Jesus - Not the AntiChrist
of a
part series.
Gregg Strawbridge provides a thorough study through the book of Daniel from a Reformed point of view and debunks the dispensational reading of the book in detail. Important topics addressed along the way include, higher critical views of the dating of the book (i.e., in the 140s B.C. versus the historical Daniel), the nature of the kingdom as it is coming in the new covenant, the key movements of the inter-testamental period, and the various prophetic figures such as the "Little Horn" and the Ten-Horned Empire, as well as the Seventy Weeks of Daniel (ch. 9). This study draws upon James B. Jordan's "Preliminary Commentary on Daniel," Philip Mauro's work on the Seventy Weeks and other standard commentaries.
The Seventy Weeks of Daniel (part 2) (Daniel 9:24-27) - Sermon notes for January 29, 2006 * All Saints’ Presbyterian Church
The Christology of the Prophecy - This passage explains God’s purpose with the Jewish people and Jerusalem. It is fulfilled in what Jesus did in His life, death, and resurrection, as well as the judgment that follows from His rejection. It does not say a word about the Rapture, the European Economic Community, or the Antichrist. Rather, the key themes of the first part of the passage emphasize Christ's redemptive work which focus on His cross-work.
measure of transgression is filled
measure of sin is complete
iniquity is expiated
eternal righteousness is ushered in
the prophetic vision is ratified
Holy of Holies is anointed (Based on the Hebrew text and TNK translation)
The Chronology of the Prophecy - “Seventy weeks” is a complete unit of time like “forty years” or “forty days” or the “seventy years” about which Daniel is praying (Jer. 25:11-12). To put gaps in — like a 2000 year gap between the 69th and 70th week, is unwarranted. These are 490 consecutive years. The event to start this time is said to be “the command to restore and build Jerusalem” (9:25). This starts with the decree of Cyrus, recorded Ezra 1:1-4 (2Chr. 36:22, Is. 44:28, Ezra 5:13, 5:17, 6:3). The proper conclusion of the 7 + 62 weeks is referred to as the “anointing” of “Messiah the Prince,” His baptism (Matt. 3:16ff), fulfilling Isaiah (61:1-2) - “The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor...” (Luke 4:18).
The Consummation of the Passage - During the 70th week (“after the sixty-two weeks”), Jesus cuts the new covenant with His blood “for many” (Matt. 26:28), resulting in an end to the sacrificial system (Jer.3:16-18, 31:31-34; Heb. 10:14-20, 8:13). This results in the destruction of the city and the sanctuary (A.D. 70). This is Jesus’ interpretation of Daniel! (Luke 21:5-22). Therefore: a) Jesus is NOT coming soon (Matt. 24, Luke 20:9) - but you may go to Him soon (Heb. 9:27). b) The Jews (unbelieving) are NOT the people of God, but all Christians are brought into the originally Jewish covenant. c) The Church is NOT to be “pro-Israeli,” but pro-Rege! “For the King.”
Gregg Strawbridge, Ph.D., is the pastor of All Saints Church in Lancaster, PA. He became a committed follower of Jesus Christ at age 20, discipled in the context of a University Navigator Ministry. As a result of personal discipleship he went on to study at Columbia Biblical Seminary (M.A., Columbia, SC, 1990), as well as receive a Ph.D. in education and philosophy... read more
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