
IView - Steve Turley on Ritual, Contemporary Worship, and Donald Trump

Date: 2/5/2016
More audio from FEATURED
Type: Interview
Topic: Ritual
Organization: Reformation Resources
Related Group: iView Podcast Interviews
Price: FREE

This episode of iView is an interview with Steve Turley (Ph.D. Durham University) on several topics:  ritual and ritual theorgy, faith vs baptism, contemporary worship, meals, and we also touch on contemporary worship. Just for fun we also talk about Steve's recent article on Donald Trump and why Christians like him (note the date: 2/5/2016). This discussion highlights Dr. Turley's new book, The Ritualized Revelation of the Messianic Age: Washings and Meals in Galatians and 1 Corinthians (T&T Clark, 2015). Gregg Strawbridge and Scott Jones conduct this interview.

Steve Turley Steve Turley (Ph.D., Durham University) is a theologian, social theorist, classical Christian educator, and prize-winning classical guitarist. He is the author of The Ritualised Revelation of the Messianic Age: Washings and Meals in Galatians and 1 Corinthians (T&T Clark, 2015), and Awakening Wonder: A Classical Guide to Truth, Goodness, and Beauty (Classical... read more