
04 Parabolic Preaching: Stirring Up Hearts

Date: 4/7/2015
More audio from Augustine Presbytery
Type: Lecture
Topic: preaching
Organization: Reformation Resources
Price: FREE

From the 2015 Spring Augustine Presbytery (CREC) Retreat:

Parabolic Preaching: Stirring Up Hearts
Mark's gospel tells us that wherever Jesus went, He preached in parables in order to confuse and measure the hearts of His hearers. And only those who followed Him and tracked Him down later were given answers to questions. How does this square with the homiletical rule of clarity? How do parables "measure" our hearts?

Toby Sumpter Toby Sumpter (M.A.T.S., Erskine Theological Seminary) is a pastor at Christ Church (CREC, Moscow, ID) and a host on the Crosspolitic podcast . He served as minister of Holy Trinity Church (Greenville, SC) and Trinity Reformed (Moscow, ID).