
Just War Theory

Date: 5/4/2013
Type: Lecture
Topic: War
Organization: All Saints
Price: FREE

A discussion on Just War Theory from a modern warrior. Led by Michael Fenimore, a decorated Air Force Officer (Lt. Col), honorably decommissioned, who formerly served the Pentagon.
- Served 18 years as an Intelligence Officer in the Air Force
- Served the Royal Air Force Menwith Hill Station, Yorkshire England, working with the National Security Agency
- Protected the Kurds from Saddam Hussein's airstrikes following the first Persian Gulf War by flying US combat aircraft over northern Iraq, tasked to select daily targets for our aircraft to strike
- Served E-8C JSTARS command and control aircraft, flying in support of Korean operations during heightened tensions with North Korea
- Served as commandant of cadets at Washington State University and University of Idaho for approximately 200 cadets  
- Served as a senior intelligence officer for a special operations group in Okinawa, Japan and counter terrorism operations in Southern Philippians, Bangladesh and Indonesia
- Deployed to Qatar to lead Intelligence operations in support the war effort in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa, serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, Oman, UAE, Bahrain and Kuwait, receiving the Bronze Star
- Served in Stuttgart Germany as a liaison officer for Strategic Command, worked with the Secretary of Defense re:  intelligence resources, including operations in Libya.
- Served in Policy development for the Secretary of the Air Force, supporting worldwide combat operations, including work on "next generation" fighter aircraft -  F-35, a $1.2 Trillion program.  
- WIll now lead Air Force recruiting for New Jersey, Delaware, and parts of Pennsylvania, and Maryland.

And most impressive of all - He Arranged the War of Worlds, Battle of Battles, Armagedonish Debate between Combatants - Douglas Wilson (postmill) and J.V. Fesko (of Westminster Seminary California, amill).

Michael Fenimore Michael C. Fenimore is a retired Lt. Col. of the US Airforce. He has studied at Greyfriars Hall in Moscow ID, trained at All Saints Church (Lancaster, PA), and served as a church planter in Lewiston, ID. Mike is currently at student at Reformed Theological Seminary, Washington D.C.