James Jordan, "Wine, Women, and Song"
Here are a few notes I took from the lecture at Providence.
This is the first of many lessons on Music by Rev. James B. Jordan. He teaches through the "Sanctus." This ancient music comes from the 200's AD.
In the New Covenant wine, women, and son are three essential things that come into our experience that we did not have before. In the Bible, Kings are shown drinking wine. When the kingdom comes, wine comes. The Corinthians were excited about the new experience and drank too much, so Paul corrects their abuse. After the flood, Noah plants the first vineyard. Noah did not sin. The sin was Ham's. In the wilderness when there was no water, God gave water from the rock. We see a parallel story in John 2:1-11. On the third day there was a wedding in Cana. The water ran out and Jesus' mother said there is no wine. We now have wine in the Lord's Supper.
Jordan notes that in Islam there is a denial of all three. Islam is the satanic counterfeit to the New Covenant. Islam is the religion of the suppression of women. Women is the part of the human race that inspires men to do things. Islam is against music.
The Church has fallen for this. How many people grew up without wine in communion? Wine has shalom; grape juice does not. The first time Jordan had wine was when he was confirmed in the Lutheran Church. Instead of weekly communion and wine every week, Satan has shifted this practice. The Church has been terrible about women. Protestant commentaries have done horrendous with interpreting the role of women in the Bible.
In John 4, Jesus tells the woman to call her husband. It means that she had five bad husbands who kicked her out, not that she was wicked. See vs. 30. She has been abused and Jesus comes as her Savior, but many have seen her as a bad wife. This is an example of this abuse. We should have wise women in the Church (deaconesses). If women do not take roles in ministry, pastors become effemenate. These reasons have to do with platonic philosophies that treat physical things as bad.
We treat music in the same way. We make it slow and dead. But biblical music is the kind of music before you go into battle. We do not celebrate wedding feasts with wine.
In Genesis 1 & 2 there is a progression of good and very good. When people get married it is glorification. The woman is the crown for the man. The man keeps his hair short because the woman is his glory crown. This is what Paul means.
The Garden is the place of worship where the two special trees are. The Garden is the Church. The man needs a woman to worship with him. The animals cannot talk back and worship.