
252 items found
Item Results

Excellence In Writing 1 Andrew Pudewa $2.00
Grammar Linguistics Andrew Pudewa $2.00
Intro to Progymnasmata Jim Selby $2.00
The Importance of Music Education Douglas Wilson $2.00
Vision for Excellence in Grammar Program Practical Imp... Laura Tucker $2.00
001 The Great Divorce - CS Lewis Ken Boa $5.00
001 The Great Divorce - CS Lewis Ken Boa FREE
002 The Brothers Karamazov - Dostoevsky Ken Boa $5.00
003 Paradise Lost - John Milton Ken Boa $5.00
003 Paradise Lost - John Milton Ken Boa FREE
004 Confessions - Augustine Ken Boa FREE
004 Confessions - Augustine Ken Boa $5.00
005 Penees - Blaise Pascal Ken Boa $5.00
006 Pilgrims Progress - John Bunyan Ken Boa $5.00
006 Pilgrims Progress - John Bunyan Ken Boa FREE
007 Christian Perfection - Francois Fenelon Ken Boa $5.00
008 Imitation of Christ - a Kempis Ken Boa $5.00
009 The Love of God Ken Boa $5.00
011 The Pursuit of God Ken Boa $5.00
012 Screwtape Letters - CS Lewis Ken Boa $5.00
012 Screwtape Letters - CS Lewis Ken Boa FREE
013 Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life - William La... Ken Boa $5.00
014 Divine Comedy 1 -Dante Ken Boa $5.00
015 Divine Comedy 2 - Dante Ken Boa $5.00
016 The Knowledge of the Holy - AW Tozer Ken Boa $5.00
017 Crime and Punishment - Dostoyevsky Ken Boa $5.00
017 Crime and Punishment - Dostoyevsky Ken Boa FREE
018 My Utmost for His Highest - Oswalt Chambers Ken Boa $5.00
019 East of Eden (John Steinbeck) Ken Boa $5.00
020 Cost of Discipleship - Dietrich Bonhoeffer Ken Boa $5.00
021 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen Ken Boa $5.00
022 Orthodoxy - GK Chesterton Ken Boa $5.00
023 Faust - Goethe Ken Boa $5.00
024 Dark Night of the Soul (John of the Cross) Ken Boa $5.00
025 Moby Dick (Melville) Ken Boa $5.00
026 Religious Affections (Jonathan Edwards) Ken Boa $5.00
027 Lord of the Rings (JRR Tolkien) Ken Boa $5.00
028 The Problem of Pain (C.S. Lewis) Ken Boa $5.00
029 Les Miserables (Victor Hugo) Ken Boa $5.00
030 Institutes of the Christian Religion (Calvin) Ken Boa $5.00
031 Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy) Ken Boa $5.00
032 The City of God (St. Augustine) Ken Boa $5.00
033 Middlemarch - George Elliot Ken Boa $5.00
3-6 Math Eric VanDerhoof $2.00
ACCS 2007 - What is a Christian Worldview Douglas Wilson $3.00
Administration Ty Fischer $2.00
Advanced Secondary Greek And Latin John D. Schwandt $2.00
Advanced Writing (Part I) Andrew Pudewa $2.00
Advanced Writing 2 Andrew Pudewa $2.00
Advanced Writing Technique Andrew Pudewa $2.00
Aesthetics and Beauty in Music John Hodges $2.00
After the Thrill What Keeps CCE Going George Grant $3.00
After the Thrill What Keeps CCE Going George Grant FREE
American Education An Historical View Tom Spencer $2.00
An Introduction to Classical Education Gregg Strawbridge $2.00
An Introduction to Greek John D. Schwandt $2.00
Antithesis in the Classroom - Matt Whitling Matt Whitling FREE
Antithesis in the Classroom - Matt Whitling Matt Whitling $3.00
Assessing Student Progress and Learning Tom Garfield $2.00
Association of Classical and Christian Schools Conference... $150.00
Augustine Douglas Wilson $2.00
Avoiding Burnout-For Women Nancy Wilson $2.00
Beauty in Art: Towards a Christian Aesthetic John Hodges $2.00
Biblical Discipline and the School Tom Spencer $2.00
Biblical Discipline and the School Tom Spencer FREE
Board Issues Marlin Detweiler $2.00
Boardmanship Douglas Wilson $2.00
Boys and Girls in the Upper School Years - Douglas Wils... Douglas Wilson $3.00
Bridging the Gap Grammar to Dialectic Jim Nance $2.00
But Homer Was a Pagan Andrew Kern $2.00
Changing the Culture Tom Spencer $2.00
Chesterton Things Worth Doing Well George Grant $2.00
Chesterton: Things Worth Doing Well George Grant FREE
Christ the Lord of Kirk and Covenant George Grant $3.00
Christ The Lord of Rhetoric Jim Nance $3.00
Christ the Lord of the Classroom Matt Whitling $3.00
Christ's Lordship over Culture Douglas Wilson $3.00
Christ's Lordship over History Ty Fischer $3.00
Christ's Lordship over Logic Jim Nance $3.00
Christian School Admissions - Believers Only Tom Garfield $2.00
Classic Great Books (series) Ken Boa $100.00
Classical and Christ-Centered Math Jim Nance $2.00
Classical and Christian Education Philosophy: A Comparison... Gregg Strawbridge $2.00
Classical Christian Calculus Upper Math (cut short) Jim Nance $3.00
Classical Christian Education is Not A Trend Marlin Detweiler $2.00
Classical Christian Education Revisited Marlin Detweiler $2.00
Classroom Discipline Matt Whitling $3.00
Confessions - Biggest Mistake We Made ACCS Panel $3.00
Contra Turpidtudinem-Against the Ugly Douglas Wilson $2.00
Cool or Classical Douglas Wilson $2.00
Covenantal Succession Surviving Founders Syndrome George Grant $2.00
Creating Materials to Market Your School Gene Liechty $3.00
Cultural Trends Piercings, Blogs, MySpace and CCE Douglas Wilson $3.00
Declining to Serve the Lord - Grant Colvin Grant Colvin $3.00
Developing School Culture (Panel Discussion) Garfield, Phillips,... $3.00
Dialectic Teaching in the Dialectic Years Jim Nance $2.00
Does Classical Mean Reformed? Douglas Wilson $2.00
Don Hoover - Math in Classical Education Don Hoover $2.00
Drama Ty Fischer $2.00
Drama in Christian Schools LaJean (Burns) Griess $2.00