
COMPLETE SET - ETS 2023: Theological Anthropology (690+ recordings)

COMPLETE SET - ETS 2023: Theological Anthropology (690+ recordings)
Organization: ETS National
Price: $499.99 $249.99

This is the complete collection of the recordings from the 2023 meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society National conference in San Antonio, TX on the topic of Theological Anthropology. This set currently includes over 690 mp3s.


These recordings were released in two sets.  If you are looking to just download part of the recording collection, use the links below:

ETS 2023 - Part 1 (385 mp3s, released May 2024)

ETS 2023 - Part 2 (313 mp3s, released September 2024)


Speaker Information

Are you a speaker who presented at ETS?  If so, you are entilted to a copy of your talk!  Follow this link to create an account if you don't have one already, and then send an email to to gain access to your content.


USB Add-On

Add a USB to your order and get this collection delivered to your mailbox.  Must purchase ETS set in addition to USB Add-On. 

696 items found

Items Included

1 Corinthians 6:9 and the Anthropology of SameSex Sexuality Robert J. Priest
2 Peter and Judes Use of the OT and the Question of Dependence Herb Bateman
25 Years of Retrieving the Tradition and Renewi...calism in Retrospect D. H. Williams
A Baptismal Way of Thinking: Retrieving Irenaeu...ontemporary Baptists Christine E. Thornton
A Bonaventurean Account of Psychological WellBeing R. Lucas Stamps
A Bumpy Road: Lessons Learned from Teaching NT Greek Leo Percer
A Case Study of ProLife Education and a Practic...Persuasive Outcomes Spencer Stewart
A Centurion in Caesarea: Support for the Histor...Army Primary Sources Mark E. Foster
A Conscience Rightly Informed: John Cotton and...igious Establishment Cory Higdon
A Creation Essentialist Framework for GodHonoring Gender Expression
A Formal Constraint to Divine Commands Joshua Kira
A Greater Illness: Sickness Sin and Metaphor in Gregory of Nazianzus J. Caleb Little
A Gregorian Bestiary: Human Nature as Fallen an...y the Greats Moralia Kevin L. Hester
A Kingdom of God Hermeneutic? Prospects and Cautions Andrew T. Abernethy
A Literary Approach to the Theology of John Wes...ights and Challenges Kenneth J. Collins
A Matter of Black and White? Early Modern Refor...lical Interpretation Adriaan Neele
A Minority Report on Fulfilling All Righteousness Patrick Schreiner
A Molinist Way Forward to Acceptance of the Consequence Argument Randy Everist
A Natural Language Approach to Koine Greek Exegesis Stanley E. Porter
A New Definition of Holiness?: Placing Peter Ge...ster in Conversation Sean Matthew Wegener
A New Definition of Holiness?: Placing Peter Ge...ster in Conversation Sean Matthew Wegener
A New Knowledge Argument: NonPropositional Know...Consciousness and AI Lanell M. Mason
A Puritan Critique of Contemporary Christian Nationalist Proposals John S. Simons
A Relational Argument for Human Sexuality Lilly H. Park
A Response to Transgenderism and Nonbinary Identity Theory Richard Killingsworth
A Risen Savior a Regenerate Community and a Red...s View of Conversion Taylor Lassiter
A Royal Pain: The Use of Lament and Royal Psalms in the New Testament Heather Joy Zimmerman
A Satire on the Chores and a Repudiation of Ret...Ecclesiastes 10:811 Jordan Jones
A Small Alien Group without American Presbyterian Background Ken Stewart
A Theological Anthropology in Parts: Human Limitations Jacob Shatzer
A TransAntlantic Discussion Regarding Theologic...g Eighteenth Century John S. Banks
A Trichotomy of Existence: Soren Kierkegaards Theological Anthropology Michael Steinmetz
A Young Earth and Recent Adam and Eve Marcus Ross
Abortion Prevention and Traditional Sexual Ethi...del for Evangelicals Maria Russell Kenney
Abram Sarai and Artificial Hagar Wombs: Human Artificial World Greg Parker Jr.
Acceptable in the Sight of the One Who Made Us:...d Identity in 1 Clem Alex Moore
Adaptive Preaching: The Contextualized Preachin...Stockbridge Indians Mike Harder
Adoring the Fullness of the Scriptures: John Owens Commentary on Hebrews Lee Gatiss
Advanced Technology and the Human Person: Rerea...for the Internet Age John Wind
Advanced Technology and the Human Person: Rerea...for the Internet Age John Wind
Advances and Limitations in Recent Studies of Pauline Divine Christology
Aelfrics Virgin Spouses Same Sex Celibate Part...heological Retrieval Rachel Gilson
AI and the End of Arguments from Reason to God Brandon L. Rickabaugh
Allegiance to David: The Characterization of Jonathan Abigail and Abner Jonathan Ahlgren
Alvin Plantingas Epistemology and the Anthropol...ld Testament Writers Ericka Flores Sandstrom
Ambiguity and Poetry: Psalm 62 as Witness Ethan C. Jones
American Monotheistic Polytheism: A Retrieval o...Anthropology of Race Aaron Ducksworth
An Evangelistic Reading of LukeActs Mark J. Keown
An Immortal Body: How the Garden of Eden Inform...ostResurrection Body Thomas Toews
An Infinite Variety of Beauties: Anne Duttons C...the Glory of Christ Matthew Haste
An Intercultural Reading of Sacrifice in 1 John 2:2 and 4:10 Elizabeth Mburu
An Investigation into the Place and Nature of in Leviticus 1820 David Young
An Unforgiving God: Retributiveism as a Divine Perfection Gregory L. Bock
Anachronistic Imposition or Heuristic Tool?: th...cientific Approaches David E. Bosworth
Anchored Narratives: A Hybrid Apologetic Approach Matt Sokolowski
Ancient Gnosticism in New Garb?: Gnostic Anthro...Christian Orthodoxy Meagan Stedman
Anselms Anthropology: Connecting the Image of G...Debt Humans Owe God Christy Gonet
Anthropolity: Augustinians and Calvinists Toget...Political Theorizing David W. Hall
Anthropological Apologetics in Tertullians Trea...and the Resurrection Gary D. Cook
Anthropological Heresy in Luke 23:4243: a Disco...ionality Perspective Laurentiu Florentin Mot
Anthropology of the Dead Who Wait at Judgment in Hebrews 9:2728
Apocalypse in the Arena: Revelation 1314 and Roman Asia Minor David R. McCabe
Arguments from Reason to Show that Divine Deter...ems than Naturalists Timothy A. Stratton
Asa vs. Baasha: The Importance of the Central B...ecurity of Jerusalem Seth M. Rodriquez
Ascending the Hill to Praise: The Formative Fun...Structure and Poetry Scott Aniol
Assessing Analogies for Free Agency Vern S. Poythress
Assessing the VisibleInvisible Church Distincti...Covenantal Approach Dallas W. Vandiver
Augustines Engagement Strategies with the Roman...We Learn from Them? Jimmy Chan
Augustines Engagement Strategies with the Roman...We Learn from Them? Jimmy Chan
Augustines Mature Doctrine of Original Sin in 2...ctive: An Evaluation Paul R. Thorsell
Author Response to Respondents of Daniel J. Tre...Jesus Christ with QA Daniel J. Treier
Authors Authorship and the New Testament Canon Stanley E. Porter
Bahnsen goes to the Gallery: A Presuppositional...Kiefers Sternenfall Scarlett Clay
Baptism and Illumination: A Christian Means of Knowledge in Justin Martyr John A. Adair
Baptist Catholicity in the Ecclesiology of John Gill Christopher Green
Baptists Evangelicals Together: How David Dock...Become Evangelicals Blake McKinney
Beautys Ladder: Embracing the Body in the Imagery of Ascent Laura Cerbus
Becoming What We Sing: How Song Lyrics Serve Church Traditions Jason Lee Arrowood
Being and Becoming Human in the Book of Job Lance Hawley
Better for Whom?: Possible World Quality Instan...d Incommensurability Andrew Jennings
Beyond the Body: Exegesis and Anthropology in Origen Andrew Kneeland
Beyond the Celestial Horizon: Distinct Anthropo...s HeavenlyMindedness Karin Stetina
Bias and the Cognitive Problem of Evil Bradley L. Sickler
Biblical Authority and Human Origins: Reading the Hebrew Bible C. John Collins
Biblical Meditation: Its Not What You Think James Wilhoit
Biblical Theology and the Image of God Peter J. Gentry
Binocular Vision in Dated Sections: Pragmatics...remiah 2429 and 3236 Jill Firth
Body Positive: The Role of the Imaginatio in of Thomas Aquinas Nancy Reyes Frazier
Brothers from Another Mother? Progressive Coven...s of 1689 Federalism Richard Lucas
Building Bridges: BlueCollar Labor and Evangelical Public Theology Dylan Parker
Calvin and the Retrieval of Iranaean Pneumatology Julie Canlis
Calvin the RemonstrantArminians and Their of Romans 8:2830 Michael Yoo
Calvinus Hercules: The Place of Theological Con...n the Christian Life Jennifer Powell McNutt
Can Virtue be Taught? Neuroscience and Ethical Formation Tamim Khaliqi
Can We Perceive Reality?: Direct Realism Knowle...God and Eternal Life Micah Neighbors
Can We Read Like Apostles and Prophets? A Nuanc...n Important Question Richard M. Blaylock
Canaanite Religion in the Patriarchal Period: D...the SevenCupped Bowl Katherine M. Hesler
Case Patterns of Complements of Transitive akouow in the New Testament Daniel Stevens
Catechesis Institute: Retrieving a Patristic Model of Christian Formation Alex Fogleman
Center for Ancient Christian Studies: The Promi...atristics and Method