Advent Announcements (2022)
This Advent series covers various announcements of the advent (coming) of a son. Beginning with the announcement after the Fall (Gen 3:15), God's People hoped for a coming "Seed of the Woman" who would bruise the Serpent's head. And throughout the Old Covenant, this promise was drawn forward, renewed, and signified in types and shadows to prepare for the ultimate Advent of the Son of God. We cover the announcements to Sarah, Manoah's Wife, Hannah, and of the Virgin conceiving, while also mentioning others in passing (e.g. Rachel, Rebekah, Ruth, and the Shunammite woman).
Jon Herr (MATS, Reformed Theological Seminary; BS Bible, Philadelphia Biblical University) is Pastor of Christ Covenant Church of Chicago (CREC). Previously he served as a deacon and ministerial student at All Saints Church (CREC, Lancaster PA). He and his wife Jackie live in the Chicago suburbs with their two daughters and three sons.
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