
Theopolis Course - Exodus (15 mp3s)

Theopolis Course - Exodus (15 mp3s)
Organization: Theopolis Institute
Price: $20.00

The book of Exodus begins where Genesis ends, in Egypt, and ends where Genesis begins, with seven “days” delineating the Tabernacle, a microcosmic symbol of the creation. In this course we shall look at God’s rescue of a bride from Egypt, His gracious statutes for His people, and the nature of the symbolic cosmos He sets up as a new world for His people. This Easter Intensive Course was held in February of 2016, and was taught by James B. Jordan and Peter Leithart. This course contains 15 lectures and over 15 hours of content.

James B. Jordan James B. Jordan is the Director of Biblical Horizons ministries, a theological think tank that publishes books, monographs, essays and taped lectures focused on Bible commentary, Biblical theology and liturgical theology. He holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia in comparative literature. During four years in the United States Air force,... read more
16 items found

Items Included

00 Theopolis Course Notes on Exodus James B. Jordan
Exodus 01 The Book of the Ox Structure James B. Jordan
Exodus 02 Out of Exodus James B. Jordan
Exodus 03 Two Parts of an exodus James B. Jordan
Exodus 04 The Sojourn of Moses in the Wilderness James B. Jordan
Exodus 05 The Plagues James B. Jordan
Exodus 06 Prophetic Exodus Imagery in Isaiah and the Prophets Peter J. Leithart
Exodus 07 Exodus 14 and Amilech Pattern James B. Jordan
Exodus 08 The Amilech Pattern James B. Jordan
Exodus 09 Exodus Imagery in the Gospels Peter J. Leithart
Exodus 10 Exodus 20:24 The Covenant at Sinai James B. Jordan
Exodus 11 Exodus 32:34 The Fall, Exile and Renewal James B. Jordan
Exodus 12 Exodus Imagery in Revelation Peter J. Leithart
Exodus 13 The Meaning of the Tabernacle 01 James B. Jordan
Exodus 14 The Meaning of the Tabernacle 02 James B. Jordan
Exodus 15 Implications for Worship Discussion James B. Jordan