Davenant Trust - 2014 Convivium Calvinisticum - Creation, Redemption, and Neo-Calvinism (5 mp3s)
The Convivium Calvinisticum is an annual event sponsored by the Davenant Trust. The Convivium brings together a small group of scholars, pastors, and students for fellowship and discussion each June. Our goal is to foster a network of men and women dedicated to historically-informed, irenic engagement with the challenges facing contemporary Protestantism and committed to civic engagement and renewal. The theme of the 2014 Convivium was "Creation, Redemption, and Neo-Calvinism," wrestling with the recurring dualities between Christ and culture, church and state, spiritual and temporal, sacred and secular, that have structured much of Christian and particularly Reformed theology. The full proceedings of the conference (of which only a sampling are made available here) will be published in a forthcoming volume, For the Healing of the Nations: Creation, Redemption, and Neo-Calvinism.
Dr. James Bratt is Professor of History at Calvin College and an eminent scholar of American religious history and Dutch neo-Calvinism. His recent biography, Abraham Kuyper: Modern Calvinist, Christian Democrat (Eerdmans, 2013), has been widely acclaimed by theologians and historians. He holds a B.A. in History from Calvin College and a Ph.D., with specialties... read more
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