
Christ the Redeemer Church (Pella)

Christ the Redeemer Church is a Reformed Congregation in the Communion of Reformed Evanglical Churches in Pella, Iowa. 


Current Broadcast: Liturgy - What is the Purpose of Liturgical Worship

Michael  Shover
Date: 1/5/2025
Type: Sunday School
Topic: Liturgy

Recent Broadcasts

Liturgy - What is the Purpose of Liturgical Worship Michael Shover Sunday School1/5/2025
1 Samuel 2:27-36 - Judgment on Eli's House Michael Shover Sermon1/5/2025
1 Samuel 2:11-26 - Growing in Favor with God and Man Michael Shover Sermon12/22/2024
Judges 19-21 The Civil War Against Benjamin Michael Shover Sunday School12/15/2024
1 Samuel 2:1-10 - Hannah's Song Michael Shover Sermon12/15/2024
Judges 17-18 - Micah, the Levite, and Dan Michael Shover Sunday School12/8/2024
1 Samuel 1 - The Barren Gives Birth Michael Shover Sermon12/8/2024
Introduction to Samuel Michael Shover Sermon12/1/2024
Psalm 106 Michael Shover Sermon11/27/2024
Sunday School - Psalm 127 David Moody Sunday School11/24/2024
Luke 15:11-32 - The Father Rejoices Over the Prodigal Son David Moody Sermon11/24/2024
Psalms of Ascent David Moody Sunday School11/17/2024
Luke 15:8-10 - The Holy Spirit Shines Light into the Darkness) David Moody Sermon11/17/2024
Judges 16 - Samson, pt. 5 Michael Shover Sunday School11/10/2024
Psalm 146 - Do Not Put Your Trust in Princes Michael Shover Sermon11/10/2024
Judges 15 - Samson, pt. 4 Michael Shover Sunday School11/3/2024
Psalm 149 - Singing and Slaying Michael Shover Sermon11/3/2024
Sunday School - Sermon Discussion - Matt. 18 David Moody Sunday School10/27/2024
Luke 15:1-7/Matt. 18:12-20 Seeking the Lost Sheep David Moody Sermon10/27/2024
Judges 14 - Samson, pt. 3 Michael Shover Sunday School10/20/2024
Psalm 119:9-16 Guarding Our Heart on the Way Michael Shover Sermon10/20/2024
Anger Jim Newheiser Sunday School10/13/2024
Forgiveness Jim Newheiser Sermon10/13/2024
Conflict Resolution and Communication in Marriage Jim Newheiser Lecture10/12/2024
Keys to Preserving and Strengthening Your Marriage Jim Newheiser Lecture10/12/2024
Transforming Grace in Marriage Roles Jim Newheiser Lecture10/12/2024
God's Design for Marriage Jim Newheiser Lecture10/11/2024
Judges 13 - Samson, pt. 2 Michael Shover Sunday School10/6/2024
Luke 14:25-35 - Jealous for Christ's Sake David Moody Sermon10/6/2024
Judges 13 - Samson, pt. 1 Michael Shover Sermon9/29/2024
The Weightiness of Pastoral Glory - Ordination Sermon for David Moody Bill Smith Sermon9/29/2024
Judges 12 - Jephthah, pt. 3 Michael Shover Sunday School9/22/2024
Mark 9:30-37 - Receiving Children in Christ's Name Michael Shover Sermon9/22/2024
Judges 11 - Jephthah, pt. 2 Michael Shover Sunday School9/15/2024
James 5:13-20 The Prayer of Faith Michael Shover Sermon9/15/2024
Judges 10 - Jephthah, pt. 1 Michael Shover Sunday School9/8/2024
Luke 14:12-24 An Inconvenient Gospel David Moody Sermon9/8/2024
James 5:7-12 Patience Michael Shover Sermon9/1/2024
James 5:1-6 Fattened for the Slaughter Michael Shover Sermon8/25/2024
James 4:13-17 Merchants of Death Michael Shover Sermon8/18/2024
James 4:11-12 Judge Not Michael Shover Sermon8/11/2024
James 4:1-10 Draw Near to God Michael Shover Sermon8/4/2024
Luke 14:7-11 Striving for Glory David Moody Sermon7/28/2024
Luke 14:1-6 The Mercy of the Sabbath David Moody Sermon7/21/2024
The Fatherhood of God Keith Darrell Sermon7/14/2024
James Interlude Michael Shover Sermon7/7/2024
James 3:13-18 The Meekness of Wisdom Michael Shover Sermon6/30/2024
James 3:1-12 Taming the Tongue Michael Shover Sermon6/23/2024
Zechariah 3 - The Gospel of Justification David Moody Sermon6/16/2024
James 2:14-26 Faith: Dead or Alive Michael Shover Sermon6/9/2024
James 2:1-13 Love Your Neighbor: No Partiality Michael Shover Sermon6/2/2024
Matt. 28:18-20 The Great Commission Michael Shover Sermon5/26/2024
Psalm 67 Joost Nixon Sermon5/19/2024
Christ in You, the Hope of Glory Michael Shover Sermon5/12/2024
Christ's Ascension Power Michael Shover Sermon5/9/2024
Judges 9 - Abimelech pt. 2 Michael Shover Sunday School5/5/2024
James 1:26-27 Pure and Undefiled Relgion Michael Shover Sermon5/5/2024
Judges 9 - Abimelech pt. 1 Michael Shover Sunday School4/28/2024
James 1:22-25 Doers of the Word Michael Shover Sermon4/28/2024
Judges 8 - Gideon pt. 3 Michael Shover Sunday School4/21/2024
James 1:19-21 The Anger of Man Michael Shover Sermon4/21/2024
Judges 7 - Gideon, pt. 2 Michael Shover Sermon4/14/2024
James 1:16-18 God's Good Gifts Michael Shover Sermon4/14/2024
Judges 6 - Gideon, pt .1 Michael Shover Sunday School4/7/2024
Judges 16 - Samson, Destroyer of the Lords of Death David Moody Sermon4/7/2024
Mark 16:1-8 He Goes Before You Michael Shover Sermon3/31/2024
Judges 5 - Song of Deborah, pt. 2 Michael Shover Sunday School3/24/2024
James 1:12-15 Victory Over Sin and Temptation Michael Shover Sermon3/24/2024
Judges 5 - Song of Deborah, pt. 1 Michael Shover Sunday School3/17/2024
James 1:9-12 Crown of Life Michael Shover Sermon3/17/2024
James 1:5-8 Asking God for Wisdom Michael Shover Sermon3/10/2024
Attributes of God - RIghteousness of God David Moody Sunday School3/3/2024
Ruth - The Gospel of Inheritance David Moody Sermon3/3/2024
James 1:1-4 - Count It All Joy Michael Shover Sermon2/25/2024
The Goodness of God David Moody Sunday School2/18/2024
James - Introduction Michael Shover  2/18/2024
Intellectual Attributes pt. 2 David Moody Sunday School2/11/2024
Discerning the Lord's Body - Paedocommunion Michael Shover Sermon2/11/2024
Intellectual Attributes pt. 1 David Moody Sunday School2/4/2024
Paedobaptism Michael Shover Sermon2/4/2024
Numbers 21:4-9 The Bronze Serpent David Moody Sermon1/28/2024
Mark 1:15 My Life for Yours Michael Shover Sermon1/21/2024
John 1:43-51 Seeing the Glory of Christ Michael Shover Sermon1/14/2024
Attributes of God - Aseity David Moody Sunday School1/7/2024
Mark 1:9-11 Baptism of Jesus Michael Shover Sermon1/7/2024
Psalm 72 David Moody Sermon1/6/2024
Need Comfort? Know Your Sins and Misery Michael Shover Sermon12/31/2023
Psalm 110 - The Throne of David Michael Shover Sermon12/24/2023
Sunday School - Sermon Discussion Michael Shover Sunday School12/17/2023
Isaiah 61 - Rebuilding the Ruins Michael Shover Sermon12/17/2023
Judges 4 - Jael Michael Shover Sunday School12/10/2023
Isaiah 40:1-11 Comfort, Comfort My People Michael Shover Sermon12/10/2023
Judges 4 - Deborah Michael Shover Sunday School12/3/2023
Happy Hearts, Happy Homes Michael Shover Sermon12/3/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 7:21-29 Lord, Lord Michael Shover Sermon11/26/2023
Songs of Hannah and Mary David Moody Sunday School11/19/2023
Christ Satisfied The Wrath of God David Moody Sermon11/19/2023
Prayer of Hezekiah - Isaiah 36-37 David Moody Sunday School11/12/2023
Christ Our Passover David Moody Sermon11/12/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 7:15-20 - Wolves in Sheep's Clothing Michael Shover Sermon11/5/2023