
2021 ETS Eastern Region Meeting

Papers and Presentations for the 2021 Eastern Region's meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society. More information about this event.


Current Broadcast: Dual Citizens: Politics and American Evangelicalism (Best of Christianity Today)

Dual Citizens: Politics and American Evangelicalism (Best of Christianity Today)
Date: 4/9/2021
Type: Interview
Mark Draper interviews author of Dual Citizens: Politics and American Evangelicalism (Best of Christianity Today) Hardcover – September 9, 2020 by Timothy Padgett (Editor). From a collection of talks and discussions from the 2021 Evangelical Theological Society Eastern Region: Misreading Scripture Through Western Eyes on April 9, 2021. See the Plenary session for the PDF of the full program.

Recent Broadcasts

Dual Citizens: Politics and American Evangelicalism (Best of Christianity Today) Timothy D. Padgett Interview4/9/2021
The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution Carl Trueman Interview4/9/2021
Approaching an Egalitarian Doctrine of Scripture: Applying Gadamer to Concursus and Illumination Julie Walsh Lecture4/9/2021
Interpreting Biblical Prophecy: The ‘New Covenant’ of Jeremiah and Ezekiel Daniel Carver Lecture4/9/2021
Reading the Old Testament Through Jewish Eyes: Why the Jewish TNK Order Matters Van Campbell Lecture4/9/2021
Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: American Christianity Discussion Mark Draper Lecture4/9/2021
A Social-Scientific Reading of the Prodigal Son in the Context of Luke’s Travel Narrative Michael Blythe Lecture4/9/2021
The Birth of Pentecostalism and the Western Tradition of Reading Scripture Joseph L. Thomas Lecture4/9/2021
Reading and Misreading Scripture through Western Eyes: The Bible and Slavery Mark Draper Lecture4/9/2021
Reading the Bible with Timothy Dwight at Yale Daniel J. Spanjer Lecture4/9/2021
-Plenary - Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes Panel Discussion Brandon J. O'Brien Lecture4/9/2021
-Plenary - A Thoropter for Faith: A Decade of Diagnosing America’s Christian Vision Brandon J. O'Brien Lecture4/9/2021
Unmade Disciples Stephen McCormack Lecture4/9/2021
John Calvin on the Spirit and Word- His Thoughts and Influence Daniel Gilbert  4/9/2021
I, Tertius Who Write This: Reading Scripture without Modernity’s Eyes Gregg Strawbridge Lecture4/9/2021
The Persuasive Power of Paul's Preaching Kevin Koslowsky Lecture4/9/2021
The Biblical Quiver From Which Athanasius Drew His Arrow of Impassability Aimed At The Arians Timothy Decker Lecture4/9/2021
Two Kinds of Days in Scripture: Practical and Ceremonial Bruce Terry Lecture4/9/2021
About Western Christians’ Cultural Misreading of “Forgiveness from the Heart” Kyunga Song Lecture4/9/2021
When God Speaks by His Son (Hebrews 1:2) Mark A. Hassler Lecture4/9/2021
Identifying Thematic and Quotation Clusters in John’s Use of Isaiah: A Case Study in Methodology in the Use of the Old Testament in the New James Roh Lecture4/9/2021
Changing semantic domains and potential challenges to Bible Translation and Biblical Thinking–Illustrated by 'gossip’" Rodney Pearce Lecture4/9/2021
Seeing Discipleship, Mission, and Church and Their Intertwining Result through the Lens of the New Testament Authors Christopher J Jones Lecture4/9/2021