
13 Jordan - Church Music

13 Jordan - Church Music
Part 11 of a 14 part series.
Organization: Biblical Horizons
Price: $4.00
About the Conference: The Biblical Horizons 2008 Conference - held July 21-25, 2008 in Valparaiso, FL, featured Peter Leithart addressing the philosophy and thought of Christian philosopher Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, Jeffrey Meyers surveying Colossians, James B. Jordan addressing Liturgy and Church Music and Rich Bledsoe on Harlotry in the Bible
James B. Jordan James B. Jordan is the Director of Biblical Horizons ministries, a theological think tank that publishes books, monographs, essays and taped lectures focused on Bible commentary, Biblical theology and liturgical theology. He holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia in comparative literature. During four years in the United States Air force,... read more

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