A Whore and Her Scarlet Seven Trumpets Sounded a Great City Falls Joshuas Jericho and the Dramatic Narrative of the Book of Revelation
of a
part series.
ETS National
About this conference: From the 2005 ETS Meeting, the 57th Annual Meeting of The Evangelical Theological Society in Philadelphia, PA, featuring plenary speakers and topics: Christopher Hall – What Evangelicals and Liberals Can Learn from the Church Fathers.
Warren Gage (Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary; J.D. from SMU Dedman School of Law; M.A. & Ph.D. from the University of Dallas) is the President of the Alexandrian Forum. Warren taught at Knox Theological Seminary, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, from August 2002 to June 2014, where he achieved the rank of full professor in Old Testament and served... read more