
Beyond the Celestial Horizon: Distinct Anthropologies in Edwards and Owens HeavenlyMindedness

Beyond the Celestial Horizon: Distinct Anthropologies in Edwards and Owens HeavenlyMindedness
Part 44 of a 385 part series.
Organization: ETS National
Price: $4.00
A talk from the 2023 ETS National Meeting.
Karin Stetina Karin Stetina is Associate Professor of Theology at Biola University. She holds the following degrees: Ph.D., Marquette University; M.A. Wheaton College Graduate School; B.A. Westmont College. She has written/contributed to the following books: The Fatherhood of God in John Calvin’s Thought. Milton Keynes, UK: Paternoster, 2016. Jonathan... read more