
Reinventing Jesus for Modern World

Speaker: Gary DeMar
Part 8 of a 9 part series.
Organization: Reformation Resources
Price: $3.00
A message from the Trinity Family Advance -Teaching Our Covenant Children - with speakers Gary DeMar and Gregg Strawbridge - this conference set addresses defending the faith (DeMar) and teaching our children to keep the faith (Strawbridge). In this message DeMar references Bart Erhman, a popular critical scholar who writes in critique of Biblical authority and inerrancy.
Gary DeMar President of American Vision, Gary DeMar grew up in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University (1973) and earned his M.Div. at Reformed Theological Seminary in 1979. He has lived in the Atlanta area since 1979 with his wife Carol. They have two grown sons. Gary and Carol are members of Midway Presbyterian Church... read more

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