
A Case of the Neglect: The Relational Genitive's Role in Conveying Jesus as ???? ?e?? to Muslims, Christology in Islam: An Evangelical Comparative Theological Exploration, Translating "Son of God" in Muslim Contexts: A Critical Assessment

A Case of the Neglect: The Relational Genitive's Role in Conveying Jesus as ???? ?e?? to Muslims, Christology in Islam: An Evangelical Comparative Theological Exploration, Translating "Son of God" in Muslim Contexts: A Critical Assessment
Organization: ETSv 2020
Price: $4.00
Presented by Heather Zimmerman at the 72nd annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, held virtually Nov. 16-20, 2020 with the theme, Christianity and Islam. This was part of the section, Theme: New Testament.
A speaker for the 76th Annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society.