There’s not much I can say here that hasn’t been already said.
We are called to be one, just as Father, Son, and Spirit are one. And here is one loaf.
We are called to self-sacrificial unity, as Christ died for us. And here is the wine of His shed blood.
We are called to visible unity that the world can see. And here are visible gifts to show us that.
We are called to spiritual unity based on our union with God; our being in Him and He in us, as the Father is in the Son, and the Son is in the Father. And here is God, present with us by His Spirit, mystically uniting us in this Supper.
We are called to a cross-shaped unity, vertically pointing us to God and horizontally pointing us to one another. And here is a meal which is based on the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, which unites us to God and to one another.
What more can I say? You have been reconciled to God, be reconciled to one another. Come and eat and drink in God’s peace, and so have peace with one another.