Reponse The Use of the Gospel of Thomas in Historical Jesus Research
of a
part series.
ETS National
From the important conference which addressed the nature of truth and postmodernity - the 2004, 56th Annual Meeting of Evangelical Theological Society, held in San Antonio, TX. The theme was, What is Truth? Plenary sessions were as follows:
Andreas Köstenberger – What is Truth? Pilate’s Question in its Johannine and Larger Biblical Context
Albert Mohler – Truth and Contemporary Culture
J.P. Moreland – Truth and Contemporary Philosophy
Keving Vanhoozer – Lost in Interpretation?: Truth, Scripture and Hermeneutics
Greg Beale – Presidential Address – The Use of Old Testament Prophecy in the New Testament: ‘Literal’ Fulfillment, Allegory or Analogy?
John Dominic Crossan, professor emeritus at De Paul University, is widely regarded as the foremost historical Jesus scholar of our time. He is the author of several bestselling books, including The Historical Jesus and Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography. He lives in Minneola, Florida.