
Dan Doriani - Inerrancy and the Trinity in Pastoral Proclamation

Organization: ETS National
Price: $4.00
A recording from the ETS 2016 national meeting from the section, Inerrancy: Inerrancy and the Trinity. About this conference - The 68th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society with the theme - The Trinity - November 15-17, 2016, in San Antonio, TX.
Dan Doriani Dr. Daniel Doriani is Senior Pastor of Central Presbyterian Church. Central is an historic congregation of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. A congregation with 1,700 members, it is located in the heart of the business, art, and university district of Clayton, Missouri, in metropolitan St. Louis. Prior to his return to the pastorate, Dr. Doriani served as Dean of the Faculty, Vice President of Academics,... read more