
Does Paul Seek to Subvert Rome or Ignore Rome?

Does Paul Seek to Subvert Rome or Ignore Rome?
Speaker: Joel White
Part 90 of a 340 part series.
Topic: Canon
Organization: ETS National
Price: $4.00
From the 2008 National Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, the 60th Annual Meeting, held in Providence, Rhode Island. The theme was Text and Canon. Plenary Speakers: Peter J. Gentry (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary), Daniel B. Wallace (Dallas Theological Seminary), Charles E. Hill (Reformed Theological Seminary), and Stephen Dempster (Atlantic Baptist Theological Seminary).
Joel White (Freie Theologische Hochschule Giessen, Germany) served as a Presenter at the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting in San Antonio, TX (2016), in the section addressing Pauline Studies . The theme of the 2016 ETS conference was the Trinity.