
The Person of Christ Part II: The Only Begotten Son of God

Date: 12/6/2009
Type: Sunday Sermon
Topic: Christology
Price: FREE

Last week we saw that Mark presents to us Jesus not simply as a man, nor even as one greater than a man but less than god. Rather Mark highlights that Jesus was and is the Lord Himself, God manifest in human flesh come to rescue humanity. Jesus is God.

But even when we know this, not all questions are answered. We are still left with the question – what exactly does it mean that Jesus is God, that Jesus is divine? How are we to understand that assertion? In particular, how are we to relate Jesus’ divinity to the God revealed throughout the OT? In the history of the church various heretical, pseudo-Christian answers to these questions were given and it is these questions that we answer this morning. What does it mean that Jesus is divine? That in Him, as Paul tells us, all the fullness of the Godhead dwells in bodily form? That He is God with us?
Stuart W. Bryan Stuart Bryan is the pastor of Trinity Church. He and his wife, Paige, have seven children, four homegrown, two adopted from the lovely land of Guatemala, and one adopted from Ukraine. Stuart earned his B.A. in Religion from Whitworth College and his M.A. in Theological and Historical Studies from Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida.